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26. Creating Unit Tests Using gnattest

gnattest is an ASIS-based utility that creates unit-test stubs as well as a test driver infrastructure (harness). gnattest creates a stub for each visible subprogram in the packages under consideration when they do not exist already.

In order to process source files from a project, gnattest has to semantically analyze the sources. Therefore, test stubs can only be generated for legal Ada units. If a unit is dependent on other units, those units should be among the source files of the project or of other projects imported by this one.

Generated stubs and harnesses are based on the AUnit testing framework. AUnit is an Ada adaptation of the xxxUnit testing frameworks, similar to JUnit for Java or CppUnit for C++. While it is advised that gnattest users read the AUnit manual, deep knowledge of AUnit is not necessary for using gnattest. For correct operation of gnattest, AUnit should be installed and aunit.gpr must be on the project path. This happens automatically when Aunit is installed at its default location.

26.1 Running gnattest  
26.2 Switches for gnattest  
26.3 Project Attributes for gnattest  
26.4 Simple Example  
26.5 Setting Up and Tearing Down the Testing Environment  
26.6 Regenerating Tests  
26.7 Default Test Behavior  
26.8 Testing Primitive Operations of Tagged Types  
26.9 Testing Inheritance  
26.10 Tagged Types Substitutability Testing  
26.11 Testing with Contracts  
26.12 Additional Tests  
26.13 Support for other platforms/run-times  
26.14 Current Limitations  

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26.1 Running gnattest

gnattest has a command-line interface of the form

$ gnattest -Pprojname [--harness-dir=dirname] [switches] [filename] [-cargs gcc_switches]


specifies the project defining the location of source files. When no file names are provided on the command line, all sources in the project are used as input. This switch is required.

specifies the directory that will hold the harness packages and project file for the test driver. The harness directory should be specified either by that switch or by the corresponding attribute in the project file.

is the name of the source file containing the library unit package declaration for which a test package will be created. The file name may be given with a path.

is a list of switches for gcc. These switches will be passed on to all compiler invocations made by gnatstub to generate a set of ASIS trees. Here you can provide `-I' switches to form the source search path, use the `-gnatec' switch to set the configuration file, use the `-gnat05' switch if sources should be compiled in Ada 2005 mode, etc.

is an optional sequence of switches as described in the next section.

gnattest results can be found in two different places.

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26.2 Switches for gnattest

When this option is given, gnattest creates a harness for all sources, treating them as test packages.

Sources described in projname are considered potential additional manual tests to be added to the test suite.

Recursively consider all sources from all projects.

Indicate that external variable name has the value value.

Suppresses noncritical output messages.

Verbose mode: generates version information.

Enables Liskov verification: run all tests from all parents in order to check substitutability.

Specifies the default behavior of generated stubs. val can be either "fail" or "pass", "fail" being the default.

The directory hierarchy of tested sources is recreated in the dirname directory, and test packages are placed in corresponding directories.

Test packages are placed in subdirectories. This is the default output mode since it does not require any additional input from the user. Subdirectories named "tests" will be created by default.

`--separate_root' and `--subdir' switches are mutually exclusive.

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26.3 Project Attributes for gnattest

Most of the command-line options can also be passed to the tool by adding special attributes to the project file. Those attributes should be put in package gnattest. Here is the list of attributes:

Each of those attributes can be overridden from the command line if needed. Other gnattest switches can also be passed via the project file as an attribute list called GNATtest_Switches.

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26.4 Simple Example

Let's take a very simple example using the first gnattest example located in:


This project contains a simple package containing one subprogram. By running gnattest:

$ gnattest --harness-dir=driver -Psimple.gpr

a test driver is created in directory "driver". It can be compiled and run:

$ cd driver
$ gprbuild -Ptest_driver
$ test_runner

One failed test with diagnosis "test not implemented" is reported. Since no special output option was specified, the test package Simple.Tests is located in:


For each package containing visible subprograms, a child test package is generated. It contains one test routine per tested subprogram. Each declaration of a test subprogram has a comment specifying which tested subprogram it corresponds to. All of the test routines have separate bodies. The test routine located at simple-tests-test_inc_5eaee3.adb contains a single statement: a call to procedure Assert. It has two arguments: the Boolean expression we want to check and the diagnosis message to display if the condition is false.

That is where actual testing code should be written after a proper setup. An actual check can be performed by replacing the Assert call with:

Assert (Inc (1) = 2, "wrong incrementation");

After recompiling and running the test driver, one successfully passed test is reported.

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26.5 Setting Up and Tearing Down the Testing Environment

Besides test routines themselves, each test package has an inner package Env_Mgmt that has two procedures: User_Set_Up and User_Tear_Down. User_Set_Up is called before each test routine of the package and User_Tear_Down is called after each test routine. Those two procedures can be used to perform necessary initialization and finalization, memory allocation, etc.

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26.6 Regenerating Tests

Bodies of test routines and env_mgmt packages are never overridden after they have been created once. As long as the name of the subprogram, full expanded Ada names, and the order of its parameters is the same, the old test routine will fit in its place and no test stub will be generated for the subprogram.

This can be demonstrated with the previous example. By uncommenting declaration and body of function Dec in simple.ads and simple.adb, running gnattest on the project, and then running the test driver:

gnattest --harness-dir=driver -Psimple.gpr
cd driver
gprbuild -Ptest_driver

the old test is not replaced with a stub, nor is it lost, but a new test stub is created for function Dec.

The only way of regenerating tests stubs is to remove the previously created tests.

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26.7 Default Test Behavior

The generated test driver can treat unimplemented tests in two ways: either count them all as failed (this is useful to see which tests are still left to implement) or as passed (to sort out unimplemented ones from those actually failing).

The test driver accepts a switch to specify this behavior: --stub-default=val, where val is either "pass" or "fail" (exactly as for gnattest).

The default behavior of the test driver is set with the same switch as passed to gnattest when generating the test driver.

Passing it to the driver generated on the first example:

test_runner --stub-default=pass

makes both tests pass, even the unimplemented one.

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26.8 Testing Primitive Operations of Tagged Types

Creation of test stubs for primitive operations of tagged types entails a number of features. Test routines for all primitives of a given tagged type are placed in a separate child package named according to the tagged type. For example, if you have tagged type T in package P, all tests for primitives of T will be in P.T_Tests.

Consider running gnattest on the second example (note: actual tests for this example already exist, so there's no need to worry if the tool reports that no new stubs were generated):

cd <install_prefix>/share/examples/gnattest/tagged_rec
gnattest --harness-dir=driver -Ptagged_rec.gpr

Taking a closer look at the test type declared in the test package Speed1.Controller_Tests is necessary. It is declared in:


Test types are direct or indirect descendants of AUnit.Test_Fixtures.Test_Fixture type. In the case of nonprimitive tested subprograms, the user doesn't need to be concerned with them. However, when generating test packages for primitive operations, there are some things the user needs to know.

Type Test_Controller has components that allow assignment of various derivations of type Controller. And if you look at the specification of package Speed2.Auto_Controller, you will see that Test_Auto_Controller actually derives from Test_Controller rather than AUnit type Test_Fixture. Thus, test types mirror the hierarchy of tested types.

The User_Set_Up procedure of Env_Mgmt package corresponding to a test package of primitive operations of type T assigns to Fixture a reference to an object of that exact type T. Notice, however, that if the tagged type has discriminants, the User_Set_Up only has a commented template for setting up the fixture, since filling the discriminant with actual value is up to the user.

The knowledge of the structure of test types allows additional testing without additional effort. Those possibilities are described below.

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26.9 Testing Inheritance

Since the test type hierarchy mimics the hierarchy of tested types, the inheritance of tests takes place. An example of such inheritance can be seen by running the test driver generated for the second example. As previously mentioned, actual tests are already written for this example.

cd driver
gprbuild -Ptest_driver

There are 6 passed tests while there are only 5 testable subprograms. The test routine for function Speed has been inherited and run against objects of the derived type.

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26.10 Tagged Types Substitutability Testing

Tagged Types Substitutability Testing is a way of verifying the Liskov substitution principle (LSP) by testing. LSP is a principle stating that if S is a subtype of T (in Ada, S is a derived type of tagged type T), then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (that is, objects of type S may be substituted for objects of type T), without altering any of the desirable properties of the program. When the properties of the program are expressed in the form of subprogram preconditions and postconditions (let's call them pre and post), LSP is formulated as relations between the pre and post of primitive operations and the pre and post of their derived operations. The pre of a derived operation should not be stronger than the original pre, and the post of the derived operation should not be weaker than the original post. Those relations ensure that verifying if a dispatching call is safe can be done just by using the pre and post of the root operation.

Verifying LSP by testing consists of running all the unit tests associated with the primitives of a given tagged type with objects of its derived types.

In the example used in the previous section, there was clearly a violation of LSP. The overriding primitive Adjust_Speed in package Speed2 removes the functionality of the overridden primitive and thus doesn't respect LSP. Gnattest has a special option to run overridden parent tests against objects of the type which have overriding primitives:

gnattest --harness-dir=driver --liskov -Ptagged_rec.gpr
cd driver
gprbuild -Ptest_driver

While all the tests pass by themselves, the parent test for Adjust_Speed fails against objects of the derived type.

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26.11 Testing with Contracts

gnattest supports pragmas Precondition, Postcondition, and Test_Case. Test routines are generated, one per each Test_Case associated with a tested subprogram. Those test routines have special wrappers for tested functions that have composition of pre- and postcondition of the subprogram with "requires" and "ensures" of the Test_Case (depending on the mode, pre and post either count for Nominal mode or do not count for Robustness mode).

The third example demonstrates how this works:

cd <install_prefix>/share/examples/gnattest/contracts
gnattest --harness-dir=driver -Pcontracts.gpr

Putting actual checks within the range of the contract does not cause any error reports. For example, for the test routine which corresponds to test case 1:

Assert (Sqrt (9.0) = 3.0, "wrong sqrt");

and for the test routine corresponding to test case 2:

Assert (Sqrt (-5.0) = -1.0, "wrong error indication");

are acceptable:

cd driver
gprbuild -Ptest_driver

However, by changing 9.0 to 25.0 and 3.0 to 5.0, for example, you can get a precondition violation for test case one. Also, by using any otherwise correct but positive pair of numbers in the second test routine, you can also get a precondition violation. Postconditions are checked and reported the same way.

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26.12 Additional Tests

gnattest can add user-written tests to the main suite of the test driver. gnattest traverses the given packages and searches for test routines. All procedures with a single in out parameter of a type which is derived from AUnit.Test_Fixtures.Test_Fixture and that are declared in package specifications are added to the suites and are then executed by the test driver. (Set_Up and Tear_Down are filtered out.)

An example illustrates two ways of creating test harnesses for user-written tests. Directory additional_tests contains an AUnit-based test driver written by hand.


To create a test driver for already-written tests, use the --harness-only option:

gnattest -Padditional/harness/harness.gpr --harness-dir=harness_only \
gnatmake -Pharness_only/test_driver.gpr

Additional tests can also be executed together with generated tests:

gnattest -Psimple.gpr --additional-tests=additional/harness/harness.gpr \
gnatmake -Pmixing/test_driver.gpr

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26.13 Support for other platforms/run-times

gnattest can be used to generate the test harness for platforms and run-time libraries others than the default native target with the default full run-time. For example, when using a limited run-time library such as Zero FootPrint (ZFP), a simplified harness is generated.

Two variables are used to tell the underlying AUnit framework how to generate the test harness: PLATFORM, which identifies the target, and RUNTIME, used to determine the run-time library for which the harness is generated. For example, the following options are used to generate the AUnit test harness for a PowerPC ELF target using the ZFP run-time library:

gnattest -Psimple.gpr -XPLATFORM=powerpc-elf -XRUNTIME=zfp

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26.14 Current Limitations

The tool currently does not support following features:

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